Benjamin, Walter. “Author as Producer” (re teaching writers)

An author who teachers writers nothing, teaches no one. What matters, therefore, is the exemplary character of production, which is able to first induce other producers to produce, and second to put an improved apparatus at their disposal. And this apparatus is better the more consumers it is able to turn into producers–that is, readers or spectators into collaborators.” pg. 233

Benjamin on the web

One comment on “Benjamin, Walter. “Author as Producer” (re teaching writers)

  1. Both Benjamin and Enzensberger seem to stress the necessity of mobilizing the masses and producing in a way that encourages others to produce . Benjamin uses the example of Brecht’s theater as an interactive production and Enzensberger discusses how modern technology could and should be used as a means of mass communication. I think both authors would be astounded (if not completely dumbstruck) by the internet, its functions and its global implications.

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