“Many young documentary film makers start with the commentary on the right side and later fill in the visual part which will illustrate the commentary. This can be done only in exceptional cases when the film has to give exact instructions or information which the commentary must express. In that case the commentary stands by itself; even without the picture, it brings out the point it wants to make. The commentary is the star, is Number One, and the picture is there only as a support for the commentary. This is a dangerous method for documentary film making because it leads to the easiest way out. You can always write what you want, but in film making you have primarily to show what you want to say. Only then will the picture get its impact, and express what you want to say in a way no other medium could. Why make a film when you are a brilliant writer?”
Ivens 201
One comment on “Ivens, J. “The Camera and I,” re show what you want to say”
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This stood out to me because I think it is really crucial not to try to match the footage to the words because it is falsifying the image. It is trying to prove something that may or may not truly be there. When you let the words come after the footage it flows more naturally and it more honest.
Whitney Jackson